Ntoposhi Town, Luapula Zambia FOLLOW MY BLOG

Please say a prayer for Stephanie Chance and her family.

Mailing address:
Garrett Lojek, Peace Corps Volunteer
P.O. Box 710150
Mansa, Luapula Province

(Write Africa and Air Mail in very large letters, mail often gets sent to other countries if you don't)

Latitude : -11.18333, DMS 28 degree 52' 0'
Longitude : 28.08667 , DMS -11 degree -11' 0'

FOLLOW MY BLOG, see below my hungry fish on the right side (feed them on your way by clicking on the fish) for the button to follow my blog, or at the very top you should see a tab to "follow my blog"

Thursday, August 26, 2010

My Bad

My bad, I had the blog set to delete comments automatically, sorry, it's fixed now! 

Today's the day, nervous and excited to find out where I will be working. I will be living there for the next ten days starting this Sunday, guess I better do the food shopping before.  It's a good thing my care package arrived yesterday, jerkey and dried fruits and nuts should help alot! One of things that the PC told us last weekend during our interview was that we will have to find our own way back at the end of ten days, but they don't recommend hitching. How the heck is that going to work?  Guess I will figure that out when I get there.

I have a new baby in my family, well not exactly new he's 7 months.  My brother's girlfriend had been living with her family but now she's moved in with ours. He's SO cute!

Wish me luck!

Luapula is where I'm going to be!  There will be many PCVs close by.  More later!!!!! 294 miles from Lusaka to Luapula

OK, Here we have it.  Ntoposhi Town 15km from city of Mansa which is the capital of Luapula. 3 neighbors with 2 Lifer PCVs and 5 from my intake group, will be nearby.  Alot of fish ponds but no construction know how.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mansa,_Zambia  for more details. First Generation Placement!  YAY! 

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